Prompts for Patients with Hordeolum (Stye)

Prompts for Patients with Hordeolum (Stye)

Hordeolum can affect anyone, from children to the elderly. Stated that the incidence in adults more than children. There is no difference in the incidence (incidence rate) between men and women. Sometimes a person is really experiencing hordeolum (recurring). Supposing, just recovered that one, then reappear somewhere else.

Hordeolum is an infection or inflammation of the gland at the edge of the upper eyelid and the lower part caused by bacteria, usually by staphylococcus bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus).
Hordeolum may arise in one or more of the eyelid glands. Eyelid glands include Meibomian glands, the glands of Zeis and Moll.

Based on the place, hordeolum is divided into 2 types:
Internal hordeolum, occurred on Meibomian glands. At this internal hordeolum bump leads to the conjunctiva (the inner lining of the eyelid).
External hordeolum, occurred at Zeis glands and Moll glands. Lump visible from the outside on the outside of the eyelid skin.
Symptoms of Hordeolum
  • Signs hordeolum is easily recognized, namely visible lump on the eyelid the top or bottom, reddish. Sometimes appear whitish or yellowish spots accompanied by swelling of the eyelids.

  • On the internal hordeolum, the lump will appear more clearly with open eyelid.

  • Complaints are often felt by people hordeolum, including lump on the eyelid flavor, tenderness and increasing pain when bent. Sometimes watery eyes and sensitive to light.

  • Hordeolum can form an abscess in the eyelid and broken by removing the pus.
Prompts for Patients with Hordeolum (Stye)
  • Avoid scratching or tapping hordeolum.

  • Do not squeeze the hordeolum. Let hordeolum broke by itself, then wipe with a sterile gauze when out pus or fluid from the hordeolum.

  • Close your eyes while cleaning hordeolum.

  • To temporarily stop using makeup on the eyes.

  • Remove contact lenses during the treatment period.