Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions for Mental Retardation

Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions for Mental Retardation

Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions for Mental Retardation
1. Delayed Growth and Development r / t abnormalities in cognitive function.
Goal: Growth and development goes according to stages.
Interventions :
  • Assess the factors causing developmental disorders of children.

  • Identification and use of educational resources to facilitate optimal child development.

  • Provide stimulation activities, according to age.

  • Monitor the patterns of growth (height, weight, head circumference and refer to a dietitian to obtain nutritional intervention)
2. Impaired Verbal Communication r / t delayed language skills of expression and reception.
Goal: Communication fulfilled in accordance stages of child development.
  • Improve communication verbal and tactile stimulation.

  • Give repetitive and simple instructions.

  • Give enough time to communicate.

  • Encourage continuous communication with the outside world, for example: newspapers, television, radio, calendar, clock.

3. Risk for Injury r / t aggressive behavior / uncontrolled motor coordination.
Goal: Indicates changes in behavior, lifestyle to reduce risk factors and to protect themselves from injury.
  • Provide a safe and comfortable position.

  • Difficult child behavior management.

  • Limit excessive activity.

  • Ambulate with assistance; give special bathroom.

4. Impaired social interaction r / t trouble speaking / social adaptation difficulties
Goal: Minimize disruption of social interaction.
  • Help children identify personal strengths.

  • Give knowledge to people nearby, about mental retardation.

  • Encourage children to participate in activities with friends and other family.

  • Encourage the children to maintain contact with friends.

  • Give positive reinforcement on the results achieved by children.

5. Family processes, Interrupted r / t have children mental retardation.
Goal: Family show an understanding of the child's illness and its treatment
  • Assess understanding family about the child's illness and treatment plan.

  • Emphasize and explain other health team, about the child's condition, procedures and therapies are recommended.

  • Use every opportunity to improve understanding of the disease and its treatment family

  • Repeat as often as possible information.

6. Self-care deficit r / t the physical and mental incompetence / lack of maturity development.
Goal: Perform self-care, appropriate age and developmental level of the child.
  • Identification of the need for personal hygiene and provide assistance as needed.

  • Identification of difficulties in self-care, such as lack of physical movement, cognitive decline.

  • Encourage children to do their own maintenance.

Education for parents:
  • For each stage of child development ages.

  • Support the involvement of parents in child care.

  • Anticipatory guidance and management face a difficult child behavior.

  • Inform the existing educational facilities and groups, etc.