Common Causes that Make a Person Loss of Appetite for Days

Common Causes that Make a Person Loss of Appetite for Days

Everyone must have experienced the condition appetite decreased or disappeared at a time. In medical terms, decreased appetite termed anorexia.

In many cases, loss of appetite caused by the disease, which means that the condition is just a symptom of a disease. Appetite will return to normal once the disease is gone. The condition was not too worried unless lasted for more than one or two days.

Other circumstances such as stress, sadness and anxiety-whichever common nowadays, - can also affect the normal appetite. It often occurs in adolescents and adults.

What happens to the body so that appetite decreased?

Basically, the appetite is an internal regulatory system that aims to meet the energy and nutritional needs of the body. The loss of your normal appetite would be a problem if the condition persists. It could be a symptom of a more serious disease. If these conditions persist, a person at risk of malnutrition or lack of nutrients.

Causes of lost appetite or decreased

Apart from the pain, appetite can also be reduced because of the effects of medical drugs that are being consumed by a person, or as well as weight loss diet program that is being executed.

Decreased appetite also almost always occur in the elderly, for no apparent reason could be found. However, factors such as sadness, depression, and excessive anxiety is a common cause of these conditions, and decrease the weight, especially in the elderly.

Cancer can also cause a decrease in appetite drastically. Cancers that make appetite disappeared, among others:

  • colon cancer

  • ovarian cancer

  • pancreatic cancer

  • stomach cancer

In addition, below are some other common causes that make a person lose appetite for days:
  • Infection, for example; pneumonia, hepatitis, HIV, influenza, or kidney infection called pyelonephritis.

  • Heart disease, kidney, and liver were serious. For example is chronic renal failure, cirrhosis, or congestive heart failure can cause loss of appetite.

  • Blockage in the stomach, known as intestinal obstruction.

  • Inflammation of the stomach or intestine, as occurs in patients with pancreatitis, inflammation of the pancreas, irritable bowel, or appendix.

  • Endocrine problems, such as diabetes mellitus, or a condition that causes low thyroid hormone levels (hypothyroidism).

  • An autoimmune disorder, a condition in which a person's immune system attacks the body itself. Examples include rheumatoid arthritis and scleroderma.

  • Psychiatric conditions, such as depression, schizophrenia, or an eating disorder called anorexia nervosa.

  • Pregnancy.

  • Dementia, such as Alzheimer's disease, a condition that causes decreased memory and other brain function decline.

What long-term effects of a loss of appetite?

Malnutrition, lack of food and nutrients your body needs, is a major serious problem of loss of appetite if it lasts for more than a few weeks. Other long-term effects associated with the cause. For example, diabetes can cause damage to various organs in the body, including the kidneys, eyes and nerves. Because of a lack of appetite, the body lacks essential nutrients to control diabetes.

Other effects related to the cause was cancer, which can cause death.

How to Overcome Decreased Appetite

The main thing is to find the cause of the loss of appetite. If caused by common ailments such as colds and fever, the appetite will improve after the disease is cured.

Consuming a multivitamin appetite enhancer may be necessary as a first step to restore the lost appetite. You can also try your favorite dish to cope with the declining appetite.

But if you can not detect a cause, and the condition lasts for several days, immediately consult a doctor for further diagnosis.