Brain Cancer – 7 Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions

Brain Cancer – 7 Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions

I. Anxiety related to diagnosis, poor prognosis, chemotherapy and possible side effects.

Goal: The client said anxiously down, to fear that can be overcome.

1. Use a calm and convincing approach.
Rational: to prevent anxiety.

2. Perform the action that makes it convenient.
Rational: increase relaxation.

3. Listen attentively to the client’s expression of feelings and concerns.
Rational: create an atmosphere of mutual trust.

4. Give real information you know about the disease, treatment and prognosis.
Rational: knowledge about what I expected to decrease anxiety.

 II. Deficient Knowledge related to the disease process and treatment.

Goal: the client has the proper knowledge, about the disease process and
describe the disease course.


1. Assess the client’s current level of knowledge about cancer.
Rational: the data will provide a basis for counseling.

2. Describe the disease process as needed.
Rational: assist clients in understanding the disease process.

3. Give info about therapies and treatment options and the benefits of each option.
Rational: to assist clients in making treatment decisions.

 III. Risk for Injury related to seizures

Goal: seizures resolved without physical Injury.


1. Point the limbs and head movements.
Rational: to prevent trauma.

2. Loosen the client clothing.
Rational: to prevent damage or abrasion on the skin.

3. Maintain airway.
Rational: to prevent airway obstruction.

4. Remain with the client during a seizure.
Rational: to provide comfort and a sense of security for the client.

5. Collaboration anticonvulsants medications.
Rational: improving control of seizures.

IV. Imbalanced Nutrition: less than body requirements related to nausea, vomiting, and anorexia


1. Assess food intake and food provided.
Raional: provide daily information for planning

2. Encourage eating in small portions but often.
Rational: to prevent nausea and vomiting.

3. Encourage clients to try different foods if there is a change in taste.
Rational: chemotherapy can cause changes in taste.

 V. Activity intolerance related to weakness

Goal: clients maintain optimal levels of activity, and maximize
energy to break.


1. Examine the patterns of rest / fatigue on the client.
Rational: establish a baseline to assist patients with fatigue.

2. Encourage clients to express feelings of limitations.
Rational: assist clients in coping with fatigue.

3. Encourage clients to plan rest periods as needed throughout the day.
Rational: improving adequate rest.

4. Encourage light exercise.
Rational: to improve the pattern breaks.

VI. Risk for Infection related to immunosuppression

Goal: decrease the potential for infection.


1. Sign of the vital-signs monitor.
Rational: fever may identify an infection.

2. Assess the possibility of damage to the skin and mucous membranes.
Rational: skin and mucous membranes gave way thd first entry of microorganisms into the body.

3. Collaboration antibiotic, antifungal and antimicrobial as needed.
Rational: to prevent and deal with the sources of infection.

VII. Disturbed Body Image related to alopecia (a side effect of chemotherapy)

Goal: understanding client revealed to the effects of chemotherapy and discuss measures to minimize the impact on lifestyle.


1. Assess the impact of alopecia on client lifestyle.
Rationale: provide information to formulate care.

2. Encourage clients to shave hair.
Rational: to minimize the shock to alopecia.

3. Identify measures to minimize the impact of such usage alopecia wigs or hats and so on.
Rational: improving control against loss.

4. Encourage clients to use fake hair to grow back before the original hair.
Rational: increase client confidence in dealing with the social environment.